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meredith Little

Meredith Little and her husband Steven Foster co-founded Rites of Passage Inc. in 1976 and The School of Lost Borders in 1981, pioneering new methods and dynamics of modern pan-cultural passage rites in the wilderness, and creating innovative practices of  “field eco-therapy.”  The essence of their work is captured in articles, chapters, an award-winning documentary film, Lost Borders: Coming of Age in the Wilderness, and books that include: The Book of the Vision QuestThe Roaring of the Sacred RiverThe Four Shields: The Initiatory Seasons of Human Nature

Meredith has guided thousands of individuals on fasting vision quests which occasion a deep expansion of normative consciousness. She has conducted trainings for facilitators of this work for over 40 years.

  • Since Steven’s death in 2003 Meredith continues both nationally and internationally to guide and train others, dedicating her life to returning meaningful and culturally appropriate rites of passage ceremonies to all people and lands. She has also co-founded along with Scott Eberle a new branch of Lost Borders entitled The Practice of Living and Dying, to help break the taboos and silence that pervade the subject of death and to help restore dying to its natural place in the cycles of life. 

    Why are we including a conversation about vision fasting retreats in a program about holding space for psychedelic journeys?

    Meredith is a true pioneer holding space for very intense visionary expanded states of consciousnesses. A 3 day fasting vision quest can occasion extremely intense mind/body states- that are similar to (or more empathic) what can  arise using psychedelic molecules.  Meredith has guided thousands of people on these kinds of journeys. The fasting vision quest experience is just one part of a comprehensive process that the School of Lost Borders has  developed for their participants. They demand of their participants that they dedicate the time needed to prepare for their experience,  to have the experience,  and then to return to base camp for an extensive and comprehensive integration download.

    Psychedelic "sitters" are well advised to learn what Meredith and the School of Lost Borders have learned about holding space for intense mindstates and visionary revelations. They model excellent preparation, holding space impeccably, a non-interventive approach, and the power that comes from devoting several days to an integration process  that is held respectfully and with reverence.