
Kylea Taylor, M.S., LMFT

Kylea is a California Marriage and Family Therapist. She has been a senior trainer at the Grof Transpersonal Training since the 1990s.  In 2017 Kylea rewrote and republished her successful 1995 title The Ethics of Caring. The new book won the 2017 Nautilus Book Award in the category, “Relationships & Communication”.

The Ethics of Caring is the “go to” reference work on the ethics of guiding in psychedelic and expanded states of consciousness.

She also authored The Breathwork Experience, The Holotropic Breathwork® Facilitator’s Manual, and edited Exploring Holotropic Breathwork®. Kylea does consulting and teaching related to ethics. The special focus of her part-time therapy practice in Santa Cruz is helping clients revitalize everyday life by integrating the meaning and gifts of their transpersonal experiences and personal paradigm shift phenomena.